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A continuos story after school

Taken at Seni Kontemporari on 19/09/11

See..we have transform a lot since we left our high school.
Both of us were working now and have been so matured in thinking..less merajuk2...less marah2...more2 membesar!..hahaha

For almost SIX year relationship, we have gone through so many 'love trial' in our relationship.
We've try to breakup for one month but we decide to return back and keep this relationship until we tight the knot. Thanks God that i know he's the best gift God sent to me to fill my day and guide me through my life. We have plan so many great thing in our life ahead and we hope God is hearing and He knows what best for us.

oh ya....
since Fabian is travelling to Kuching for 2 week..
 we have a chance to enjoy our self..get together and be crazy! i really appreciate it.....its like a year we havent met each other!
We plan to be crazy on our day out (19/09/11)..Fabian bought me a same shirt design and we wore it. People were looking and staring at us and i feel...we are the coolest couple in the planet! big SMILE. 
we watch Johnny English..and laugh like crazzzyyyy!
